BUDGET MODIFICATIONS #176 On a motion by Mr. Bushka, seconded by Mr. Farley, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the following modifications to the General Fund budget: -a) 0010.0078.4050.0000 Educ. Cost Sharing Grant, reduce by $3,432,395 -b) 0010.0078.4050.0002 Educ. Cost Sharing Grant -ARRA, increase by $3,432,395
BUDGET TRANSFERS: SALT #216 On an amended motion by Mrs. Traub, seconded by Mr. Zeller, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the following: -a) transfer up to $90,000 from contingency line item 0010.0047.5651.0000 to salt line item
0010.0031.5258.0000 -b) transfer $31,848 from sand line item 0010.0031.5259.0000 to salt line item 0010.0031.5258.0000
Mr. Farley said this has been an ongoing pattern since March 2008 and asked that this line item be reviewed during budget considerations this year. Mr. Zeller clarified that this purchase is up to Mr. Lizotte's discretion. Comptroller Proulx said that this use of up to $90,000 in contingency funds is the first contingency expenditure this year that won't be replenished.
RESCUE PUMPER #457 On a motion by Mr. Farley, seconded by Mr. Scoville, the Board voted unanimously to authorize the expenditure of $449, 993.00 for the purchase of a Rescue Pumper from Yankee Fire & Rescue, Inc. of Palmer MA. Deputy Chief Brunoli explained that the lower bidders had smaller motors, smaller transmissions and thinner aluminum.